Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wisconsin Memories

The following was written on August 27, but is being posted today.

I pulled into Chadbourne's drive
Biking all the way
Families moving children in
On a gorgeous Wisconsin day

And if I remember the day just right
It was six years ago
We were moving Becky in
To start the freshman show

Now the years have gone by so much has changed
Yet so much stays the same
We're back at U W
Becky's starting the grad school game.

What will the years bring to her
And to all of the rest of us
Thankfully being in contact is easier
With the electronic wired age helping much

So we wish her well and will speak often
And see her on our computers
We will make it work as we need to do
Even though she won't be our Providence commuter

You see we've got us a special daughter
A one in the kind according to me
This is a beginning not an end
Now we will see what we see

And as I pulled out of Chadbourne's drive
Thinking about that six year ago day
I guess I realized once again
We're simply moving along life's way.

The days will go and years pass by
The settings like seasons change
I'll shed a tear with a smile on my face
Knowing that our lives constantly rearrange.

So much has passed in our lives
So much more awaits us in the years to come
We just have to remember to appreciate all we have
To enjoy our life's journey at a walk not a run.

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