Friday, August 22, 2008

Phrases that Ring True; A Book Recommendation

I've written about this concept before and undoubtedly will write about it again, but it just surfaces from time to time and this journal is a way to remember. The concept - phrases that just ring true.

First is a concept that was the subject of a sermon I heard ("life is messy"), but it was presented last night in a "real life situation". While visiting at our friends' house (also our cousins) we were told tha "things are a little messy because I am just busy living life". Although the focus was on the state of their house (two adorable active intelligent students), it really applies to living life.

Tonight, when celebrating our anniversary with good (seemingly) life long friends, I toasted with the following original toast: "Although water is the essence of life, friendship is the essence of living". I like that one!

On the other side of the coin, we heard this one uttered by a college student in response to a question as to why he was working so hard (as so many of us do). His response: "doing your work is the only alternative to dispair". I don't feel that way, but some people do.

Also, a book recommended by our friends that I plan to check out: The Story of Stuff.

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