Monday, September 15, 2008

The Fruits of the Minds of Others

On Sunday, we attended a seminar that was a part of a celebration honoring Barry Shrage, the Executive Director of CJP. The following are my notes, taken on my iPhone. The notes were not the type one would take if taking a course, but rather are phrases that I found interesting and may inspire future writings.

What does it mean to be a secular Jew?
Beauty and the poasibility of meaning in this world
I may be an orthodox rabbi bit I am not a rabbi orthodox Jews
Open nonjudgmental
Who is a Jew and who is a a rabbi?
Boring irrelevant community
Diversity of definitions
Drawing maps on water
Affirming your Jewishness
Status versus identity
Issues are much more complicated
Responsiaibilities to individuals
Parallel separate portals
What is the sense identity
What leads to the extremes
What can we create that has meaning
If you think it can be drone it can be done
The last link in the chain Amd the new to open the link and create connections
What truly are mutually exclusive ideas
Care engage and learn
What are the signs of those looking for roots.
Melting pot versus the tossed salad
Is it not enough to believe in god
Searching for the message of ethical interpersonal relationships
The answer comesbfrombthe perspective
The Torah as a guiding light in our life
What are the important attributes
Jewishness peoplehood religious ethical components.
Feelings are neither eight nor wrong they just are
It depends which way you are going ip the ladder or down
Act as I you were no god when you see a poor man on the street
I am a skeptic about everything
Not a atheist just a skeptic
What does my fathervknow about what I want
As all are in process
Heart filled with interest or love
Variety of wpxperiwnce that can deepen ones life

1 comment:

Bonnie Millender said...

Some interesting tidbits! Now I'm really sorry that I didn't go to the event.