Friday, September 5, 2008

The Truth The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth

It is challenging watching the political conventions this year as one has to spend so much time trying to determine what is true, what is partially true and what is simply false. Statements are made (on each side) on each side that are true, but don't tell the whole story and, once the whole story is known, both the import and the impact of the statement is dramatically changed. So, the question is, how does one make a decision as to whom deserves your vote. A challenging proposition. Even more interesting is the number of people who seem to discount policy and positions, and instead rely on speaking ability, looks and other factors that should be non-important or, at least, less important.

Thought for the Day: Perhaps the political season is just a microcosm of the larger world. Most do not present the entire story and the stories that most tell are presented in a manner to present a picture - a picture of what we want the world to see. This is not necessarily bad, as the choice of what we want the world to see also is a choice of what we think is the "proper" picture - the way that we want to be even when there are competing internal interests. Is is better to act and present in any way we want, without thought, and just say "this is who I am" - I think not. Also, how much are each of us swayed by the way people look or speak, rather than looking at a person's substance - the whole picture.

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