Saturday, September 6, 2008

Optimist, Pessimist and Realist

The Optimistic: The rays of sunshine shined down upon me as the matching inner light warmed my face and only the slightly flush feeling of the inner light allowed me to know the difference between the two types of light, one from within and one from out. While the inner light rose like the warmth from a glowing fireplace, the sunlight was announced by the brightness of the blue sky as if to state with pride and certainty its power that could not be controlled. Still it was the inner warmth that seemed to be the truly uncontrollable natural event for eventually the sunshine would stop and the warmth of the sun would be replaced by the storm clouds with an occasional sunlit blue sky, but the inner warmth would continue to rise forever even when it could no longer be seen on the outside.

The Pessimist: The pellets of rain rained down upon me as the matching tears rolled down my face and only the slightly salty taste of the teardrops allowed me to know the difference between the two types of natural water, one from within and one from out. While the tearsdrops rose like a softly bubbling well, the rain was announced by lighting and thunder as if to state with pride and certainty its power that could not be controlled. Still it was the teardrops that seemed to be the truly uncontrollable natural event for eventually the rainfall would stop and the clouds would be replaced by the deep blue sky with an occasional cloud, but the tears would continue to flow forever even when they could no longer be seen on the outside.

The Realist: Sometimes the rays of sunshine shined down upon me as the matching inner light warmed my face and only the slightly flush feeling of the inner light allowed me to know the difference between the two types of light, one from within and one from out. Sometimes the pellets of rain rained down upon me as the matching tears rolled down my face and only the slightly salty taste of the teardrops allowed me to know the difference between the two types of natural water, one from within and one from out.

When the inner light rose like the warmth from a glowing fireplace, the sunlight was announced by the brightness of the blue sky as if to state with pride and certainty its power that could not be controlled. When the tearsdrops rose like a softly bubbling well, the rain was announced by lighting and thunder as if to state with pride and certainty its power that could not be controlled.

Still it was the both the inner warmth and the tears that were the truly uncontrollable natural events for eventually the sunshine or the rain would stop and the rays of the sun would be replaced by the storm clouds or the storm clouds would be replaced by the sunshine, for the feelings are ever changing, but there is comfort in knowing that the sun always shines again and the sun-filled days far exceed the rain-filled days.

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