Thursday, July 24, 2008

Rain and Flooding

Today we awoke to a torrential downpour. The thunder was shaking the house (literally) at the same time that the lighting was flashing across the sky.  There was no counting "one one thousand" between the lighting and the thunder.  It was awesome.

At the same time, the television news was reporting on the hurricane in Texas and the surrounding states, and on the flooding of the Mississippi (or was it the Missouri further north) river, and the damage caused by both the waters, and the mud and muck that covered the land, the streets and the homes.  

Thought of the Day:  If the life-sustaining water also can be the life-destroying water, then perhaps anything that benefits our lives in moderation can be destructive when it becomes excessive.  




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Moderation can help one through life, but sometimes its the excesses that give it excitement.