Friday, July 25, 2008

More Lessons From My Garden

As a first time vegetable garden "farmer", I seem to be learning new lessons all of the time. Today, I was explaining how my cucumber plants had spread across the "floor" of my garden and were attaching themselves to the tomato, bean and other plants.  Really quite an interesting process as the beautiful slim cucumber plant tentacles wrap in circles around branches and vines of the other plants.  However, when I went to unwrap one of those tentacles, it appeared to be cutting into the other plant.  Will it eventually suck the life out of the other plant?  Will it pull down and break the other plant?  In any event, I was told that cucumber plants need trellises, fences or similar structures on which to grow.  Who knew?  Not I?

Thought for the Day:  If we don't have a good support system in life and sufficient room, will we simply wrap ourselves around everything and everyone around us to the extent that we prevent their growth and sap them of life?  

Comment and Thought Follow-Up:  Yesterday, I wrote about the importance of moderation and I received my first "comment" on my blog.  I was from anonymous (but I would like to know who wrote).  The comment was "Moderation can help one through life, but sometimes it's the excesses that give it excitement."  In my opinion, a good comment and so, let me modify yesterday's Thought by noting that excesses are a good part of life as long as those excesses are in moderation:)

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