Sunday, July 20, 2008

Where Does The Time Go?

Where does the time go?  I guess I am lucky that I have more to do than there is time to do it.  The most recent project has been the creation of my web site RonaldMFellman and adding content to it.  This has led to the completion and uploading of videos to my You Tube site, Nantucket Road Studios that as of today is up to 14 videos with many more to come.  One of the problems is that You Tube has a video time limit of 10 minutes and many of my videos are long so I have to cut parts and ask myself "Where Does The Time Go?"  Creating a slide show of my parents' lives has taken up a fair amount of time in the last few days and, as I look at pictures showing them as children, young adults, middle age adults and older adults, I wonder to myself, "Where Does The Time Go?"  So, this gets back to the question raised by the poem, The Dash, that Rabbi Lisa Eiduson read at the Shiva we had for my mom (was that just a week ago - "Where Does The Time Go?") (you can read the poem yourself at the Mary Arbitman Fellman page on my web site) and had read at Debbie's mom's funeral almost four years ago (once again, "Where Does The Time Go?", how will we spend the time between our birth and our death that is signified simply be a "-" between two dates, and I suppose the lesson is to spend it so that you don's as "Where Did The Time Go?"

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