Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A New Garden - 2009

The seeds were dropped gently into the welcoming soil
Then each was covered with a loving touch
Water was added until moisture surrounded the seeds
Then it was time to wait and wait and wait

While on the surface there was no sign of life
Beneath the sprouts to be were being nourished
Until like a chick breaking out of its shell
The unseen seedlings break free from their encasements

Then feeling the warmth and sensing the light
The sprouts begin the journey out of the rich dark soil
Until in a Rocky like pose they reach toward the sky
Silently shouting in celebration

The sprouts of cucumber and squash race forth
While the tomatoes of multiple varieties
Move forth in an orderly no need to rush fashion
And the peppers refuse to get out from under the covers

The excitement of watching new life burst forth
The thrill of knowing that the circle is unbroken
The hope for all that the growing season will bring
The anticipation of the fruits and vegetables of my labors.

1 comment:

Bonnie Millender said...

I hope the rabbits don't eat your veggies!