Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's A Long Road Out of Paradise and I'm in No Rush to Return

In the beginning "the earth was without form and empty, with darkness on the face of the depths".

Depths like that within the womb, without form and empty, filled with darkness, until male and female join together and new life is created.

Created as in Genesis - "male and female He created them", created at the same time, as equals, and placed in the Garden of Eden, just as within the womb new life is placed and bound.

Bound in a place without awareness, without spiritual growth, without learning, for everything is provided, in the Garden of Eden and the womb.

In the Garden of Eden and the womb, where personal efforts are not required, challenges are absent, needs are non-existent.

Non-existent just as are desires, losses and tears, non-existent for all is there for the taking.

Taking without effort, taking without appreciation, taking without understanding, taking without love, without even an understanding of love.

Love does not exist, in the Garden of Eden or in the womb, for without awareness, there only is . . .
Existence without knowledge,
Existence without the knowledge that comes from experiences.

Experiences that only are found on the journey that begins when woman and man are expelled from the Garden of Eden to discover life,

Life filled with the knowledge of good and evil, life filled with work to produce food, shelter and clothing, life lived with the knowledge that life will end somewhere along the journey.

The journey that for each starts upon being expelled from the womb, our own personal original Garden of Eden, to venture forth to experience all that life has to offer, satiation and hunger, successes and failures, joy and sadness, birth and death, love and loss, sunrises and sunsets.

Sunsets that one day come without a sunrise, a final sunset that signals the return to the womb of Mother Earth, to the earth’s Garden of Eden, to the place where there is no further awareness, no further needs, no further desires.

Desires that propel us along life’s journey, a journey with its share of losses, pain and tears, a journey filled with more than its share of learning, loving and living, a journey to be appreciated and savoured.

Having left the Garden of Eden, I am in no rush to return.

1 comment:

Bonnie Millender said...

Sounds like you have learned a lot in Torah Class!