Tuesday, March 24, 2009

But I Was Wrong

As a wide eyed three year old
I left the protective shell of my home behind and entered nursery school
Certain that a great play adventure awaited me
But I had no way of knowing the life that awaited me.

As a confident five year old,
I left the childish play of nursery school behind and entered kindergarten
Certain that I understood the ways of the big kid world
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

As an excited nine year old,
I left the childish play of the primary grades behind and entered fourth grade
Certain that I understood the ways of the upper school world
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

As an eager twelve year old,
I left the elementary ways of the upper grades behind and entered junior high
Certain that I understood the ways of the endless hallways and changing classes
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

As a feeling my oats fifteen year old,
I left junior high grades behind and entered high school
Certain that I understood the ways of the teenage world
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

As an independent eighteen year old,
I left high school behind and entered college
Certain that I understood the ways of the world
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

As a confident twenty-one year old,
I left college behind and entered the work world
Certain that I understood the ways of adults
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

As an adventurous twenty-five year old,
I left the work world temporarily behind and entered graduate school
Certain that I understood my profession and the working world
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

As a self believing twenty-six year old,
I left graduate school behind and re-entered teacherhood
Certain that I understood how to shape the minds of children
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

As an joyful twenty-eight year old,
I left single life behind and entered married life
Certain that I understood love and relationships
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

As a prepared for what may come twenty-eight year old
I left the paying work world behind and entered law school
Certain that I understood what awaited me
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

As a saddened thirty year old,
I said good-bye to my father (twenty-six years ago today)
Certain that I understood what it meant to be an independent adult
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

As an excited thirty-one year old, thirty-five year old and forty-year old
I said hello to each of my children with thrill and sky-high dreams
Certain that I understood how to raise a child
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

As a thought I was prepared thirty-one year old
I said good-bye to law school and entered the legal world
Certain that I understood how to be a lawyer
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

As content fifty year old
I said good-bye to the first half century and hello to my fifties
Certain that I understood how to live and love
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

As a saddened fifty-six year old,
I said good-bye to my mother
Certain that I understood the ways of life
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

As a confident fifty-five year old lawyer and employer
I surveyed my professional life
Certain that I understood how to operate in my professional world
But I was wrong for there was so much more to learn.

Now as a "days away from being" fifty-seven years old
I reflect upon my life - my family, my friends, my work, my interests
Certain that I understand how to balance and orchestrate my life
But even now I know that I will be wrong

For having taken this introspective journey
Through a life for which I am thankful
I now am certain that I understand
There always is so much more to learn.

1 comment:

Bonnie Millender said...

Very moving reflection on your life!