Saturday, February 14, 2009


At times it seems as if the snow and cold will never go away
That the green and blossoms of spring will never reappear
That the chilling numbness brought by the cold winds will last forever
That the warming sensations brought by the tropic breezes will never come

At times it seems as if the night and darkness will never go away
That the glowing and redness of the horizon will never reappear
That the trembling uncertainty brought by the pitch blackness will last forever
That the calming feelings brought by the rising sun will never come

At times it seems as if the stillness and silence will never go away
That the moving and sounds of life will never reappear
That the being motionless brought by the living sleep will last forever
That the dancing steps brought by the music of life will never come

But in its time, always in its own time
The warming tropic breezes reappear
The rising sun brings forth the calmness
The music of life is heard again and the dance begins.

1 comment:

Bonnie Millender said...

That is a great definition for optimism!