Saturday, January 10, 2009

All Is Good

The plane lands softly on the concrete runway and the landscape speeds by in a blur while off in the distance the buildings seem to hold their position although the angle changes little by little. Eventually the doorway opens and one by one the passengers step from the fuselage to the walkway to the terminal and toward their destinations. Soon she moves from the warmth into the cold air and into loving arms. It is good to be back home.

As she loads her bags into the car, the motion of her precious one causes the carrier to tumble to the ground, but the almost pure white puppy takes the fall in stride and dishes out kisses without end.

Soon she arrives at the house that had been left only a few months before. The population explodes to six plus seven. Mother, father, brother, brother, grandfather and she make up the six. Large dog, medium dog, small dog, and two tiny dogs, as well as two cats make up the seven. The house is full and the warmth flows . . . all is good as they light the first candles of Hanukkah celebrating her arrival . . . once again . . . the twenty-fifth celebration.

How quickly the time passes . . .
So much to do
So much done
So much left undone
So much to say
So much said
So much left to say
So many to see
So many seen
So many unseen
So much love to give
So much love given
So much love received
So much love

The interactions span the range of possibilities . . . all of the combinations of people and animals . . . the good, the bad, the ugly and the elegant. A lifetime compressed into a three week period – real time – but in reality just three weeks, not a lifetime.

Soon, in just hours, she will leave the house behind once more, but she knows that it is but a temporary departure, not a final farewell or even a long-term good-bye, simply a see you soon . . . until next time.

She knows that . . .
there will be tears
some will flow within
some will flow for all to see
for the feelings run deep.

She knows that . . .
the comings and the goings are a way of life
the modern marvels of communication reduce the distance
nothing compares to or can replace a hand held or a kiss
or the feeling of shared tears,
or the warmth of a hug or cuddle
but they all linger long and are not forgotten

She knows that . . .
for a while all will be shared in time limited periods
love and communication, the building blocks and cement of relationships, overcome distance
she is loved and she loves.

She knows that . . .
she carries her life with her
she has the life of her original home
she has the life of her new home
she has her old friends
she has her new friends
she has her loving family always
she has room for everyone and everything without one diminishing the other.

So as she packs and departs with a mixture of emotions, she know that . . .
she is loved
she loves
she is loved
and that there will be so many more times together as life moves forward in its unending progression.

All is good. All is good.

1 comment:

Bonnie Millender said...

What a beautiful description of your relationship with your daughter! I found it very moving.